We carefully prepare your package within 24 hours afeter receiving your order. If one or more products of your order is not in stock, please allow up to 5 additional days. We entrust your package to a transport service which will deliver it to you as soon as possible.We send parcels only after confirmation and receipt of payment for the order.

Enjoy Molise collaborates with the DHL Express o UPS transport service for deliveries in Europe and the SDA Express Courier for deliveries in Italy. Here are our conditions and prices:






ITALY* Up to 5 giorni
(excluding public holidays)
24 h / 48 h

From 25 € to 79 € > 7,90€

Up to 79 € > FREE delivery

EUROPE** Up to 5 giorni
(excluding public holidays)
between 4 and 7 days

From 25 € to 199 € > 19,90€

Up to 199 € > FREE delivery


* Prices include VAT for Italy, Sardinia and Sicily. A supplement is demanded for special areas (list is available on request).

** Prices include tax for the following countries: Belgium - France - Germany - Austria - Luxembourg - Holland - Principality of Monaco - United Kingdom - Croatia - Denmark - Finland - Greece - Ireland - Portugal - Sweden - Bulgaria - Cyprus - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Malta - Poland - Czech Republic - Slovakia - Slovenia - Hungary. On demand we send prices for: Switzerland - Moldova - North Macedonia - Montenegro - Albania - Norway.

*** Our prices are valid for all orders of 30 kg maximum. If you exceed this maximum, our e-commerce will display a warning message with the impossibility of confirming your order. In this case, please split your purchases in several orders or contact us if it is a large order.

Good to know: Your order must reach a minimum of €25. Shipping costs are calculated automatically based on the total amount of purchases. You can check the status of your order on your customer account in the "history and details of my orders" section. Once your package has been delivered to the carrier, a personal tracking link will be sent to you by email.


Questions ? Doubts ? Do not hesitate to contact us, we are at your disposal.