Classic formats

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  • Rigatoni of durum wheat...

    "Rigatoni" is one of the most popular forms of pasta in Italy. See below our recommendations on the right seasonig.

    Weight: 500 g

    How to prepare pasta as an italian nonna?

  • Fusilli of durum wheat...

    "Fusilli" is one of the four most popular pasta among Italians (spaghetti, penne, fusilli e rigatoni).

  • Conchiglie of durum wheat...

    The "conchiglie" are a delicate and elegant format that collects the creamy sauce like the lid of a treasure chest. The wide cavity retains the flavours of the sauces and brings them to the palate with all their intensity.

  • Conchiglie of Italian durum...

    The "conchiglie" are a delicate and elegant format that collects the creamy sauce like the lid of a treasure chest. The wide cavity retains the flavours of the sauces and brings them to the palate with all their intensity.

  • Sedanini of Italian durum...

    The 'sedanini' take their name from the 'grooved' appearance resembling celery sticks.

  • Tagliatelle of durum wheat...

    One of the main characteristics of long narrow pasta is its ability to adapt perfectly to any type of accompaniment. Sauces with meat, fish, vegetables, cheese and various vegetables are always able to enhance the taste and offer interesting aromas and flavours.

  • Paccheri of durum wheat...

    Paccheri are a classic pasta format used in Neapolitan cuisine, usually accompanied by rich and tasty sauces. They can be seasoned with fish, meat, vegetable sauces or even stuffed and baked.

  • Tubetti of Italian durum...

    Tubetti" is a short pasta format with ancient origins: of Neapolitan origin, it was later highly appreciated in Genoa. They are ideal for soups and minestrone. The "tubetti" not only satisfies lovers of rich and full-bodied sauces, but also those who prefer delicate sauces.

  • Gnocchetti of durum wheat...

    Gnocchetti" are the most widespread pasta format in Sardinia and one of the oldest (called "malloreddus"). They look like small striped shells about two centimetres long that can be seasoned with all kinds of sauces: from tomato sauce to white sauce, there are no limits to the imagination.

  • Penne Lisce of durum wheat...

    The "penne lisce" are bronze-stretched and dried at low temperatures to preserve their nutritional qualities and ensure that the dough retains its natural porosity which absorbs the seasoning. The artisanal "penne lisce" thus break the stereotype that "smooth penne is slippery and does not retain the sauce".

  • Spaghetti of durum wheat...

    Spaghetti is the most famous and versatile type of pasta in Italian cuisine. It lends itself well to all kinds of sauces.

  • Conchiglie of Italian durum...

    The "conchiglie" are a delicate and elegant format that collects the creamy sauce like the lid of a treasure chest. The large cavity retains the flavours of the sauces and brings them back to the palate with all their intensity.

  • Penne lisce of Italian...

    The "penne lisce" are bronze stretched and dried at low temperature to preserve the nutritional qualities and to ensure that the dough retains its natural porosity, perfect for absorbing sauces. So those who think that "penne lisce are slippery and don't hold the sauce" should definitely try them ;-)

    100% Italian Organic durum wheat penne lisce in 2.5 kg EcoPack

  • Rigatoni of Italian durum...

    Rigatoni" is one of the most popular forms of pasta in Italy. The lining of the pasta allows the sauces to be stored properly. See our combination tips below.

  • Paccheri of Italian durum...

    Paccheri are a classic pasta format used in Neapolitan cuisine, usually accompanied by rich and tasty sauces. They can be seasoned with fish, meat, vegetable sauces or even stuffed and baked.

  • Penne lisce of Italian...

    The "penne lisce" are bronze-stretched and dried at low temperatures to preserve their nutritional qualities and ensure that the dough retains its natural porosity which absorbs the seasoning. The artisanal "penne lisce" thus break the stereotype that "smooth penne is slippery and does not retain the sauce".

  • Pennette rigate of Italian...

    Penne rigates are perfect for preparing baked pasta or for pasta seasoned with pork or beef sauces. But they are also excellent with vegetable-based sauces and for all traditional Mediterranean recipes, such as the classic tomato, basil and extra virgin olive oil sauce with a pinch of parmesan.

  • Rigatoni of Italian durum...

    "Rigatoni" is one of the most popular forms of pasta in Italy. See below our recommendations on the right seasonig.

  • Spaghettone of Italian...

    Spaghetti is the most famous and versatile type of pasta in Italian cuisine. It lends itself well to all kinds of sauces.

  • Stelline of Italian durum...

    Small pasta stars, ideal for delicate, velvety soups and broths, have been created to stimulate children's imagination and appetite.
